Contrôleurs de l’application ReactJS¶
- class Analysis(callback, region, regionCode, failCallback)¶
This component retrieves data relating to the DB and transforms it into functions that can be called in other components. This module therefore makes the link to the API via the Component:ref:Api For exemple : this.props.parentApi.controller.analysisManager.getLegendTitles(id_indicateur) is a function called in Legend.js to get legend titles.
- Analysis.fetchData(id, zone, zoneId, callback, reload, filters, provenance, idUtilisateur, filtre, reinitialiserFiltres, selectedYear=false)¶
Call the API to retrieve data for a specific analysis, a zone, a year and filters.
- Arguments
id (
) – the analysis Idzone (
) – contains two values associated to zone and maille keyszoneId (
) – current zone ID (e.g., « 84 », « 06018 », « FR8000019 »)callback (
) – function called after retrieving if data or if data already presentreload (
) – forces reloading even if data already presentfilters (
) – contains categories filters grouped by category name.provenance (
) – where the data retrieval is triggered fromidUtilisateur (
) – user id from SuiviConsultations classfiltre (
) – when values can be filtered (e.g., distance) will contain one or two values (separated by comma)reinitialiserFiltres (
) – decide whether to reset filters or not in backend callselectedYear (
) – the year selected for values
- Analysis.getAnalysisEstimatedYears(id)¶
Return analysis’s estimated years
- Analysis.getAnalysisLastYear(id)¶
Return analysis’s year
- Analysis.getAnalysisMethodoPdf(id)¶
Return analysis’s methodology’s pdf name
- Analysis.getAnalysisNameTheme(id)¶
Return analysis’s theme
- Analysis.getAnalysisRepresentationDetails(id)¶
Return analysis’s details
- Analysis.getAnalysisYears(id)¶
Return analysis’s years
- Analysis.getCategories(id)¶
Returns the list of categories for an indicator
- Arguments
id (
) – : Unique identifier of the indicator for which we want to know the available charts
- Analysis.getDataChart(id, idChart)¶
This function is used to retrieve data for a particular chart (data are already fetch by the map)
- Arguments
id (
) – : indicator identifieridChart (
) – : chart identifier (nom_indicateur + categorie)
- Renvoie
json – : the data for the chart and the metadata for the analysis
- Analysis.getDataMap(id)¶
Get data (data are already fetch)
- Analysis.getDetailsOnTrajectory(trajectoryId)¶
Retrieve the list of PCAET trajectories
- Analysis.getDisabledMacroLevels(id)¶
Returns the value of the disabled_for_macro_level column which indicates if the indicator is disabled at certain macro levels.
- Arguments
id (
) – : Unique identifier of the indicator
- Analysis.getDisabledZones(id)¶
Returns the value of the disabled_for_zone column which indicates if the indicator is not available on some territories and if so which ones
- Arguments
id (
) – : Unique identifier of the indicator
- Analysis.getFilterDefaultValue(id)¶
Returns the default filter value for indicators for which certain values can be filtered (ex : migrations pendulaires, Distance domicile - travail).
- Arguments
id (
) – : Unique identifier of the indicator
- Analysis.getFullCategoriesValues(id, category)¶
Returns a list of filters based on an indicator’s ID.
- Analysis.getLegendTitles(id)¶
Returns legend titles (two legends if the indicator allows the combination of two representations)
- Arguments
id (
) – : Unique identifier of the indicator
- Renvoie
Object|undefined –
- Analysis.getListeTables()¶
Returns the list of tables used to calculate an indicator
- Analysis.getOnlyForZones(id)¶
Returns the value of the only_for_zone column which indicates if the indicator is only available on some territories and if so which ones
- Arguments
id (
) – : Unique identifier of the indicator
- Analysis.getPCAETTrajectories()¶
Retrieve the list of PCAET trajectories
- Analysis.getProportionForCircleDisplay(id)¶
Returns the value of the afficher_proportion column
- Arguments
id (
) – : Unique identifier of the indicator
- Analysis.getTitle(id)¶
Returns the value of the title column (only works if the indicator allows the combination of two representations)
- Arguments
id (
) – : Unique identifier of the indicator
- Analysis.getUnit(unitId)¶
Get unique unit from ID
- Analysis.getUnitParamsForIndicator(currentAnalysisSelectedUnit, meta, currentZoneMaille)¶
Compute units parameters associated to indicator with specific maille
- Analysis.getUnitsByIds(idsList)¶
Get associated units from IDs list
- Analysis.getUnitsForAnalysis(id)¶
Return analysis’s theme
- Analysis.initFiltersByCategory(id)¶
Returns a key-value object constructed as follows: {
identifiant indicateur + categorie1 : [{« filtre_categorie »: modalité1}, …, {« filtre_categorie »: modalitén}]} identifiant indicateur + categorie2 : [{« filtre_categorie »: modalité1}, …, {« filtre_categorie »: modalitén}]}
} At initialization, it gathers all the categories and modalities formatted according to the API requirements to define the filters in the SQL queries
- Arguments
id (
) – : Unique identifier of the indicator
- Analysis.isActive(id)¶
Returns the value of the active column which indicates if the indicator is enabled.
- Arguments
id (
) – : Unique identifier of the indicator
- Analysis.isDisabledInDashboard(id)¶
Return analysis’s theme
- Analysis.obtenirRepresentationsPossibles(id)¶
Returns the list of possible representations for an indicator from the data transmitted by the API
- Arguments
id (
) – : Unique identifier of the indicator
- class AuthManager(callback, region, regionCode)¶
Handle authentication related queries with backend.
- class DashboardService(callback, region, regionCode, territoryType, territoryIDCode, wasEditing)¶
This component display the dashboards list that are available, either because owned by current user, or because they have been published by the owner at current geographical level.
- DashboardService.applyBottomMargin(elemHtml, diagramme)¶
Add classes to a list of large enough (150 offset) children of current HTML element.
- Arguments
diagramme (
) – the optional additionnal class to add
- DashboardService.refreshDashboardLists(territoryType, territoryIDCode)¶
Retrieve all public dashboards for this specific territory
- Arguments
territoryType (
) – the territory type (region, etc.)territoryIDCode (
) – the INSEE id for this territory
- DashboardService.retrieveMyDashboardsList(callback)¶
Retrieves the list of current user dashboards
- Arguments
callback (
) – the function to call after API query succeeded
- DashboardService.retrievePublicDashboardList(callback)¶
Retrieves all public dashboards available at current geographical level.
- Arguments
callback (
) – the function to call after API query succeeded
- DashboardService.setEditingModeDashboard(wasEditing)¶
Change wasEditing value.
- Arguments
wasEditing (
) – the new value
- class Print()¶
This component is used to print the cartographic interface of the application (the map)
- class Settings(callback)¶
This component is used to get the configurations of all regions form the regions configuration table.
- Settings.fetchConfiguration(callback)¶
Calls the API to get the list of available regions.
- Arguments
callback (
) – function called at the end of the treatment of available regions.
- class SuiviConsultations(callback, regionCode, region)¶
This component is used to tracks user visits by associating them with an ID.
- SuiviConsultations.obtenirIdUtilisateur(callback)¶
This function assigns an identifier to the person browsing the site. This incremental identifier is updated with each new access to the user’s platform.
- class Zones(callback, region)¶
This component is used to manage th selection of a geographical zone
- Zones.zonesInNewFormat¶
- Ex: {
- region: { label: « Région », mailles: {
departement: {label: « département »}, epci: {label: « EPCI »}
- Zones.fetchConfiguration()¶
Retreive zones configuration from API and store available zone types into this.zones.
- Zones.fetchZones()¶
Fetches the data (code, geometry…) for the all the zones defined in this.zones except for zone « commune »
- Zones.getZoneList(zone)¶
Return the list of zones for a specified scale
- Arguments
zone (
) –
- Renvoie